Leap of Fate

78. Sky Diving 600 Times with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Disease

Randy Silver

How many of us live with chronic diseases like migraines, asthma, diabetes, anxiety, heart conditions.. the list goes on and on? 

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Disease is a chronic debilitating disease with no known cure. It limits your mental and physical abilities and makes it so individuals can't live their life. However, in Leap of Fate Pod 78, we interview Dr. Kevin Payne, who has been living with Multiple Sclerosis for a major part of his life.

He hasn't let it keep him down... literally. He has taken to his passion, Sky Diving! He has skydived 600 times! This has helped him not just cope with the disease, but overcome the mental and physical toll it takes daily. Kevin shares how he has dealt with his highs and lows, with every day being a battle.

We can all learn from the mindset of Dr. Kevin Payne in overcoming adversity we experience daily. Go achieve your dreams and don't let anything stop you!

Kevin's website
Kevin's book

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